Sundip has been an aspiring actor for many years and though he got a couple small roles in web series, he had not been able to get any substantial roles or be recognized for his talents. As he has a good voice he became a voice over artist and resigned to this fate. He was referred to me by a client whom I have worked with in my extended program and she kept insisting he work with me. Sundip has worked with a few psychologists and healers in the past and was reluctant as he had not gained anything from those sessions. Finally he relented and began working with me. He had numerous big blocks related to his childhood, almost all his significant and intimate relationships had been superficial and toxic creating a very low vibrational state within him. He had self-confidence issues and a great need to people please and be accepted. Inspite of being a very loving and giving person he had no stability nor happiness in his life. His financial crunch and lack of progress in his chosen field of work was causing him great distress.
There were a lot of layers of healing that were required. I began with his childhood and parental relationship. Cleaned latent deep seated feelings within the soul, mind and body of unworthiness, rejection, limiting belief’s and so much more. Cleared all energies from his past intimate relationships that were blocking the flow of positive energy.
It was very important to find the reasons for the lack of success even thoughts he had all the skills and traits required for a good actor. Painstakingly I began unravelling that through an innate intuitive process.
Sundip began to see results almost immediately. The first big win was that within a couple weeks he took his first international trip to Europe. Cleaning his energetic body of his past relationships enabled him to disconnect from the women physically and energetically and discontinue toxic cycles of energy exchange and repeated cycles. Within 4 weeks he began to get auditions and roles in movies. Talent scouts and others began to notice him and refer him to their contacts. Big directors were responding to him and within 4 months he had 3 movie roles and for 1 he travelled to Italy to shoot. His relationship with his father has improved. He is far more patient with him and they are being more a family and spending quality time together. Daily new professional contacts are being made and his prospects for new movies is increased exponentially. This is just the beginning for him. He has a very bright future ahead of him, and we continue to work together.
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