Quit a 25 year
habit of addiction and smoking pot.
Michelle Colbour, 50 yrs, Toronto, Canada
Michelle has been in active addiction since she was 16 yrs old. This has not allowed her to be very successful in any job her whole life. Relationships with her family have been an issue and when hse came to me she had $75 in her account and was doing pot 3-5 times a day.
My job with Michelle was first to get her enough money monthly so she could support herself and second to have her quite smoking pot. My focus was cleaning her energy of her childhood experiences and the pain and trauma that has resulted from her unhealthy lifestyle choices. Her life has been devoid of love and her family relationships were als very hurtful. I began weekly sessions with her in November 2022 and within 2 months- January 24, 2023 she had an unexpected offer for a part time job with a catering company paying her over $2,000 per month.
This part time job gave her the flexibility to work on setting up her financial consulting business with WFG. Due my travels and health issues I was unable to work with Michele for 2 months from Jan 2023- March 2023. March 13th we resumed with gusto and my focus now was the pot. Easter 2023 ( April) Michelle smoked her last joint and it is now 6 months she has not touched pot nor has had any desire to do so. She is completely free of her alcohol cravings too and is on a spiritual path now. Her bank account is looking much healthier and she is working hard to set up her financial business.
Michelle is free of any substance abuse and has a job she loves and where she is loved. This allows her to take care of herself financially. She continues to work on her wellbeing and spiritual growth while focusing on her future wealth growth. She is happy and loving herself. Her relationships with her mother and siblings has greatly improved and she feels far more seen and supported by them. Her future is very bright!
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