I don’t want to have
my Kidney stone surgery tomorrow morning
Maddy 60 yrs old housewife in Toronto Canada
Severe pain due to large kidney stone and she was set up for surgery at 8 am next morning. She called me as she did not want to go through surgery.
It was Sunday evening 8 pm and I had just returned from a day out and was reading dinner. Normally I would never answer a phone call at that time of the night but I was guided to do so and it was Maddy sounding really bad calling from her hospital bed sobbing. Maddy told me she had a very large kidney stone and was due for surgery within 12 hours but shoe did not want to go ahead with it, and asked me to help her to not have the surgery in the morning.
I was quite shocked by her request as it seemed irresponsible to cancel and seemingly much required surgery. Also due to the too late hour to cancel surgery that was scheduled less than 12 hours away with all preparations that would have be made and everything in place to go ahead including surgeons, operating theatres, anesthetists etc Her daughter and son who are doctors were by her side. She was very insistent I help her and reluctantly I agreed. I asked my husband to order dinner and I began an hour long healing process clearing all her blockages and clearing a path to the surgery being cancelled in the morning and her being sent home. Also my main focus was that her pain subside and the stone pass naturally and painlessly as soon as possible.
I spoke to Maddy at11:00 am the next morning and she informed me that the doctors had somehow decided to cancel the surgery and were sending her home after another dose of morphine and other drugs in the hope that she would pass the stone naturally in the next few days. She is now pain free with no kidney stones.
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